It depends on which kind of creditor is calling you. Is it the original creditor (like the hospital, credit card company, or payday loan giver), or is it a collection agency? Because the two types of creditors are treated differently by the law.
If you are getting rude calls from the original creditor, then the best you can do is to simply hold them off (or try and work something out). However, their job is not to settle the debt owed; it is to get as much money out of you as possible. So the farther you fall behind on your payments, the nastier they will get with their calls (and the number of calls will increase dramatically). And unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot regulating their conduct. Legally, they can call you all day and all night long if they wish (it may be rude to do so, but it certainly wouldn’t be illegal). They can come to your house, pound on the door, stand outside your house for hours on end. There is very little that prevents them from collecting.