Yes, you absolutely can. In fact, it is rare when such bills are not a part of a bankruptcy. Very frequently, people will have upwards of several thousand (if not tens of thousands) in medical-related bills. Medical bills (whether they originate from your doctor’s office or the hospital) are described…
St. Louis Bankruptcy Lawyers Blog
Do I Have A Right To Verify A Debt That The Collection Agency Claims I Owe?
You most certainly do, and it well within your rights to demand it. This is a very important piece of information that you have the right to ask for, and the collection agency has a complete and absolute obligation to provide to you. And all you need to do is…
If I Lost My House Through A Foreclosure, Can The Mortgage Company Come After Me For The Deficiency?
In the state of Missouri, yes they can. This may not have necessarily been the case several years ago, when the economy was in better shape. When a house was foreclosed upon in 2002, the mortgage company or bank would have been just as likely to write the debt off…
When A Collection Agency Takes Over A Debt, Can They Add Their Own Fees And Interest?
No, they cannot legal do so, unless these amounts were expressly authorized by the original agreement between you and the original creditor. That doesn’t mean that the collector won’t add such costs into its attempts to collect. But doing so is a violation of federal law. The rules that govern…
How Long Do I Have To File For Bankruptcy After My Bank Account Has Been Levied?
Well, you can file at any time. There isn’t any restriction as to when you may declare bankruptcy. But the more optimal question is: How long do I have to get my money back after the creditor has levied my account? The answer to this is more definite, as you…
Can Debt Collectors Leave Messages On My Phone?
Yes, they can. But if they leave a voice message on your phone, they have to follow very specific rules set out by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If those rules are not followed, then a violation of the act has occurred, and you will be entitled to…
Will I Lose My Home If I File For Bankruptcy?
Not necessarily. It depends on two things: 1) Whether or not you actually want to keep your home; and 2) If you do want to keep your home, whether or not there is a substantial amount of equity in the home. The answers to these questions will determine what your…
Will I Be Able To Rent An Apartment After I File For Bankruptcy?
Yes, you will. Most rental companies will run a credit report after you fill out an application for a rental unit. But the main thing the company will be looking for is whether or not you have a steady source of income. When you file for a Missouri bankruptcy, the…
Which Chapter Of Bankruptcy Should I File?
The answer to that question depends on your particular set of circumstances. Each individual is different, and every situation requires certain analysis. But in the end, which chapter of Missouri bankruptcy you file should not only make sense for you in your current situation, it should also take into account…
When Will I Know If I Have Enough Debt To File For Bankruptcy?
That depends on what you believe to be ‘a lot’ of debt. For some people, once they reach several tens of thousands in credit card, several thousand more in medical bills, a few hundred in payday loans, and when many of the creditors are starting to sue of the existing…