If you make it clear to the debt collector that you dispute the debt that they say you owe, then they may not contact you anymore until the dispute is resolved. If in fact the collector does contact you about the debt after such a dispute is made (but before…
Articles Posted in St. Louis Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Can A Collection Agency Call Me As Many Times As They Want Each Day?
No, they may not. In fact, it is unlawful for the collection agency to contact you several times in one day via the phone. This is described as ‘incessant calling,’ and is actionable in the courts. The area of law that governs what a debt collector may or may not…
What If I Tell The Collection Agency That I Do Not Want Them To Contact Me Anymore?
You have a right to demand that the debt collector cease any and all communication with you regarding your debts, but the federal law governing this area states very clearly that such a demand has to made in writing. Assuming that you do indeed make a written demand, then a…
How Negative Of An Impact Will Filing For Bankruptcy Have On My Credit Score?
Not as bad as you think. But the more important question to focus on would be how long it will take to rebuild your credit. The answer to this may surprise you as well. To begin with, the filing of a bankruptcy will appear on your credit report for ten…