
Articles Posted in St. Louis Chapter 13 Bankruptcy


What If A Collection Agency Tells Me That They Are Acting On Behalf Of The Police When They Call Me?

Then they have clearly broken the law. This is a somewhat common tactic used by some debt collectors in their (not so noble) attempts to get money out of you. It is a shame that such tactics are resorted to, but it happens all the time. The problem, of course,…


Can A Debt Collector Talk To Someone Other Than Me About My Debts?

No, they may not speak direct to someone other than yourself (or your attorney) without your express permission. And if they do, they are in violation of the law. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal statute that regulates what a collection agency can and cannot do…


Can A Collection Agency To Garnish My Wages For Not Paying My Debts?

No they cannot. And if they do, they are in violation of federal law. The body of law that regulates what a collection agency can and cannot do in their attempts to collect on a debt is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This statute lays out with specificity…


What Kind Of Debts Are Paid Back In A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Only certain kinds of debts are paid back in a St. Louis Chapter 13 bankruptcy. These would include mortgage arrearage (in other words, the amount of money you have fallen behind on your house payments), car loans, tax debt, back child support, and sometimes a portion of your unsecured debt…


If I Tell My Creditors That I Am Filing For Bankruptcy, Can They Still Contact Me?

That depends on which type of creditor you are speaking with. Different rules apply for the original creditor and collection agencies. It may very well be that the one of them (or both) has violated your rights. When you fall behind on your debts, the creditor will no doubt start…


Does Filing For Bankruptcy Stop A Wage Garnishment

Yes, it does. And depending on how quickly you get your Missouri or Illinois bankruptcy filed, you can actually prevent the creditor from taking any action at all (so as to avoid any money being garnished from your pay checks). The filing of a bankruptcy is accompanied by what is…


I’m Overwhelmed With All This Debt!!

I hear this comment a lot from clients. The level of stress that a mountain of debt can produce can literally be overwhelming. Credit cards, medical bills, payday loans, old utility bills, cell phone carriers, overdrawn bank accounts, deficiencies from a repossession, past due loans, etc. All of these things…


If I Am Sued By A Creditor, Should I Appear In Court?

My suggestion would be, yes, you should appear in court on the day of your hearing. Not doing so can have negative consequences (even if you end up filing a Missouri or Illinois bankruptcy later on). let me explain why. If you fall behind on your debts, one of the…


What If I Own An Asset That Has A Great Deal Of Equity When I File For Bankruptcy?

In such a situation, you should be made aware of the pros and cons of filing bankruptcy, because depending on which chapter you file, you could possibly lose the asset. But then this is why it is so terribly important to seek out a lawyer who has a great deal…


If I Filed A Chapter 7 Within The Last Eight Years, Can I Still File For Bankruptcy?

Yes, you can. But you will be limited to a Missouri or Illinois Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The federal bankruptcy code states that an individual may not file a St. Louis Chapter 7 bankruptcy more than once every eight (8) years. Once the eight year mark is passed (this is the…

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