
Articles Posted in St Louis Bankruptcy


St Louis Bankruptcy: What Can I Do About Nasty Phone Calls From Creditors?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 It depends on which kind of creditor is calling you. Is it the original creditor (like the hospital, credit card company, or payday loan giver), or is it a collection agency? Because the two types of creditors are treated differently…


St Louis Bankruptcy: Does It Really Make A Difference Which Bankruptcy Attorney I Use?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 Yes, it makes all the difference in the world. The level of experience of your attorney, and his or her knowledge of how the Bankruptcy Code works, can sometimes make the difference between whether or not you get to keep…


St Louis Bankruptcy: Can I Get Rid Of A Judgement Against Me When I File A Bankruptcy?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 Yes, you can. In fact, I have many clients who come in to see me for a consultation because they have recently been sued by a creditor, and they want to get it taken care of through their bankruptcy. This…


St Louis Bankruptcy: Can A Collection Agency Demand Payment From Me Within The First 30 Days Of Them Purchasing The Account?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 No, they cannot. That would be described as “overshadowing”. When a collector takes over a debt, they have to provide you with thirty (30) days in which to dispute the validity of the debt. This means that no demand for…

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