
Articles Posted in St Louis Bankruptcy


St Louis Bankruptcy: Can I Get Rid Of My Business Debts In Bankruptcy?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 Yes, you can. The reason why is because most business-related debts are personal guaranteed by an individual. If an individual personally guarantees a business debt, it is nothing more than an unsecured creditor / debtor relationship (and therefore subject to…


St Louis Bankruptcy Attorney: How Long Will It Take Before My Credit Score Rebounds After Bankruptcy?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 Not nearly as long as you might think. In most cases, your credit score will improve by about one hundred (100) points within the first year after filing a St Louis bankruptcy. And then you can expect your score to…


St Louis Bankruptcy Lawyer: Is Every Debt I Owe Discharged In A Bankruptcy?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 No, there are some debts that are described as “non-dischargeable”. These debts would include the following: back child support, back spousal support, most student loans, most tax debts, and any debts that you may have incurred fraudulently. But these are…


St Louis Bankruptcy Attorney: How Many Times Will I Have To Appear In Front Of The Judge When I File For Bankruptcy?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 The chances of you having to appear in front of a judge after filing a St Louis bankruptcy are about zero. There is one (and only one) courthouse appearance that you’ll have to make. But it is not in front…


St Louis Bankruptcy Attorney: Will My Credit Be Destroyed After Filing For Bankruptcy?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 No, it will not. In fact, the opposite is more likely to happen. The St Louis bankruptcy process is described as a “fresh start / clean slate”. It is a chance to wipe the slate clean, start fresh, and rebuild.…


St Louis Bankruptcy Lawyer: Do You Meet With People Who Are Nervous About Filing For Bankruptcy?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 Yes, I do. All the time. And I think that the apprehension or fear that people feel about a St Louis bankruptcy is something that most attorneys overlook. This is because most attorneys are almost totally focused on figuring out…


St Louis Bankruptcy Lawyer: Can A Creditor Demand Money From Me After I File For Bankruptcy?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 No, they cannot. As soon as a St Louis bankruptcy is filed, the court institutes the “Automatic Stay,” which is like a wall of protection against all creditor activity (including a creditor contacting you demanding money on the account). Do…

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