
St. Louis Bankruptcy Lawyers Blog


St Louis Bankruptcy Attorney: Why Would Someone Want To File A Chapter 13 Repayment Plan?

ONLY $300 UPFRONT ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 13 There are many reasons why someone (or a married couple) would want to file a St Louis Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Most people, however, are unaware of the benefits that come with this chapter of bankruptcy (because there are certain…


St Louis Bankruptcy Lawyer: Why Would Someone Want To File A Chapter 13 Repayment Plan?

ONLY $300 UPFRONT ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 13 There are many reasons why someone (or a married couple) would want to file a St Louis Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Most people, however, are unaware of the benefits that come with this chapter of bankruptcy (because there are certain…


St Louis Bankruptcy: Why Does A Creditor Get To Garnish My Wages Or Levy My Accounts?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY The only way a creditor can garnish your wages or levy a checking account is by first receiving a judgment against you in a court of law. Otherwise, they cannot do it (regardless of what kind of threats they…


St Louis Bankruptcy Attorney: What Role Does The Bankruptcy Trustee Play?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY The Bankruptcy Trustee is the individual that examines all of the documents and forms that you file with the court. He or she has the opportunity to ask questions, demand further information, object to certain pleadings, and in some…


St Louis Bankruptcy Lawyer: Why Do People Think That Filing For Bankruptcy Will Put Them In A Worse Position?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 I personally believe this is the case because of all the bologna that creditors tell people. Creditors will go out of their way to make people think that filing a St Louis bankruptcy will result in nothing but negative consequences…


St Louis Bankruptcy: How Much Of My Paycheck Can Be Garnished By A Creditor?

ONLY $675 ATTORNEY FEES FOR A ST LOUIS CHAPTER 7 By way of Missouri state law, a creditor may take no more than 25% of your net earnings (from any paycheck you receive). However, if you qualify for Head-of-Household status with the taxing authorities, then you may have the amount…

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